There are many valid approaches to creating neat spaces, but these approaches fail over time because they suggest that we dispose of our stuff and most of us love stuff! Based on her work as a professional organizer and a former psychotherapist, Marla Stone’s fresh and friendly approach goes beyond tidying up to offer the Clutter Remedy strategy to create spaces you love and keep you perpetually organized. Marla walks you through getting to know yourself and your values and then helps you visualize your ideal lifestyle and surroundings. From that perspective, you'll learn step by step (and room by room) how to create your ideal lifestyle and organize your space to support it. Marla Stone, MSW, Author, and Mental Health Advocate, owns I-Deal-Lifestyle Inc., which provides space design, corporate training, and lifestyle coaching services. As a former psychotherapist, she helped veterans of Fallujah to Orange County Housewives. WHAT’S THE STORY: Marla Stone, MSW, Lifestyle Organizer and author of The Clutter Remedy, is a Mental Health Expert and Advocate. She is a former social worker, psychotherapist, Author, Professional Organizer, and CEO of I-Deal-Lifestyle Inc., a behavioral training company that has revolutionized decluttering. In the past 30 years, Stone has helped over 30,000+ people declutter their emotions, communication, and lives. Her discovery of how changing your language will change your life has helped human productivity tenfold. Her training and development programs include clearing and healing strategies to cure trauma, understanding differential diagnoses, and relationship repair. Her themes always result in learning how to live an ideal lifestyle. During Fallujah, while treating military personnel at Camp Pendleton, she developed metaphysical interventions for PTSD. MAIN TALKING POINTS: • Understanding the primary goal of decluttering is to have a more ideal lifestyle. Figuring out what you value in life helps you decide what to keep in your life • healing inner emotional clutter and understanding the language associated with needs vs. wants, becoming decisive about what you want in life, and sharing feelings is critical to responsible decluttering and not having regrets • Step by step, room by room, on how to declutter using the clutter remedy strategies. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Book Synopsis: There are many valid approaches to removing stuff and creating neat spaces. But like many diets, most of these approaches fail long-term. That’s because lots of us like our stuff. Whether it’s books or photos or tchotchkes, the things we choose to surround ourselves with are often essential to us. Marla Stone, a former therapist turned professional organizer who works with individuals and corporations at all levels, helps readers create spaces that look and feel like readers at their best. She focuses not on throwing stuff out but on understanding what will stay put and why. Stone walks readers through knowing themselves and their values, summoning motivation, and visualizing their ideal lifestyle and optimal surroundings. Armed with this understanding, readers are empowered to approach every room in their house, every aspect of their workspace, and even every aspect of their health and well-being with energy and clarity. Whether it’s the refrigerator or New Year’s resolutions, piles of books, or boxes of heirlooms, Stone helps readers eliminate physical and emotional roadblocks and guides them toward surroundings that reflect who they are and who they want to be. PRESS RELEASE: Marla Stone, Chief Executive Officer I-Deal-Lifestyle Inc., Author of THE CLUTTER REMEDY: A GUIDE TO GETTING ORGANIZED FOR THOSE WHO LOVE THEIR STUFF and Mental Health Expert and advocate (949) 709-7000 / [email protected] Organizing and Cleaning Offers Opportunity to Tackle Trash and Past Trauma Psychotherapist-Turned-Professional Organizer Helps Clients Unpack Mental and Emotional Attachments to Clutter This Season and Beyond IRVINE, Calif. -- A recent Clorox survey showed that 60 percent of Americans take on the task of organizing and cleaning before major holidays. However, Marla Stone, chief executive officer of I-Deal-Lifestyle, reveals that for many, simply tossing out the old won’t be enough to feel renewed. Stone, a former social worker and psychotherapist for 17 years says that the reasons for over-collecting can be complex and deeply emotional, requiring a much more compassionate response to clutter. She’s long observed the power struggle between people and their objects, which is one of the reasons she launched her career as a professional design organizer in 2010. Her proprietary approach to helping people find a long-term solution to clutter and organizational challenges is designed to leave clients with a clear space and mind. “When we don’t acknowledge what’s led to the disorganization and chaos in our homes, even when we get things organized, the results are often only temporary,” said Stone. “I work with clients to help them understand the symbolic meaning of stuff and engage in peaceful de-cluttering. In cases of hoarding disorders, I help clients to evaluate when and how to take on large projects.” Stone’s first client was a woman who had collected enough clothes to fill over 40 large bags due to a failing marriage. Since then, she’s helped over 4,000 people get and stay organized. Stone is challenging men and women seeking a clearer space and mind to learn to change their language this season. According to Stone, “stuff” is not a need; it’s a “want” or “don’t want.” “When we are emotionally attached to the objects in our homes, we want to reaffirm that the only things we truly need are air, food, water, sleep, shelter, sunlight, and, well, elimination,” she said. “It sounds simple, but this is the first step to regaining perspective and beginning the work of moving past perpetual disorganization,” she continued. She proposes, “A know thyself, know thy stuff philosophy.” Stone offers a wide range of corporate services for residential and corporate clients and transition and support services for individuals who are downsizing or upsizing to a new lifestyle. More information is available at Bio: Marla Stone, MSW, owns I-Deal-Lifestyle INC, which provides decluttering, design, corporate training, and lifestyle coaching services. She is a former social worker and psychotherapist turned professional lifestyle organizer who helps people live an ideal lifestyle by getting to the root of their mental, emotional, and environmental challenges. Check out her new book, The Clutter Remedy: A Guide To Getting Organized For Those Who Love Their Stuff. SOCIAL MEDIA and LINKS: About Marla: Book on Amazon: Book Reviews: Media Appearances Blog: Print Articles about Marla: Podcasts: Youtube videos: Marla Stone, MSW Pro Organizer to the stars shows you how to organize your ...YouTube › watch Decluttering with Marla Stone Professional OrganizerI-Deal-Lifestyle methods Part 2 ...YouTube › watch Conferences: Speaking Engagements Barnes & Noble from 2019-2024
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Hoarding is a bad word to use in conjunction with humans, Marla Stone, MSW reveals. “It was initially a term for animals. Hoarders is a lousy word for humans as well.” Stone claims over-accumulating and collecting can be an “embarrassment” for people who have too much stuff. According to statistics, around 5% of the world population displays signs and symptoms of hoarding disorder. That means the number of people suffering from Hoarding Disorder is two times those diagnosed with OCD and four times those with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Hoarding behaviors can be a sore subject for families and neighborhoods. When you have a loved one suffering from over-accumulation and collecting behaviors, your options are minimal. Researchers, therapists, hoarding task forces, and professional organizers are still scratching their heads to figure out how to help people in the long term. The current interventions often involve a lot of drama and a reoccurrence of the behaviors. According to Stone people tend to reclutter even after expensive professional organizing companies and therapists have come in to help. Stone explains her background as a mental health expert and psychotherapist of 17 years allowed her to see how to help people stay organized long-term, even with the more serious cases. I-Deal-Lifestyle founder Marla Stone said of her almost 15 year-old company. ”I realized that forcing someone to get rid of things or encouraging purging was more cruel than curative, and so I created a simple and easy way for people to live clutter-free, without a tug of war.” The decluttering and organizing business is a million-dollar-a-year industry. I-Deal-Lifestyle - The Clutter Remedy Experts owner Stone confirms it is a busy business with a constant flow of people who want help to stay organized long-term, not just a quick fix. Stone has some words of wisdom for people entering the industry. “Know that a background in mental health is as important as a background in business administration and spatial design. When you don’t understand Hoarding Disorder and the mental health challenges that go along with a cluttered life it will be like stepping into quicksand.” Stone learned how to build websites and increase SEO, and she believes the organic word of mouth has helped her serve over 3500+ properties in 15 years. She has been filmed during tough jobs by the USC film department and has published a book called The Clutter Remedy: A Guide To Getting Organized For Those Who Love Their Stuff. Stone has written over 1000 articles online and has a current blog. You can easily search for Marla Stone and organizer on an internet search to learn more about her strategies or buy her book The Clutter Remedy. Suggestions for starting a professional organizing business are, first of all, you want to love helping people at your core. The following recommendations are: Learn about the industry. Attend conferences, talk to other organizers, therapists, and researchers, and see if you can handle mild to extreme hoarding cases. Work with a professional organizer who has been doing it for at least five years. Choose someone who has successful techniques, cares about helping long-term, carries liability insurance, and has a sense of design and business operations. The broader the services the organizer offers, the more you will learn. Go to the clutter to learn more about becoming a certified clutter remedy expert. Learn how to market yourself by building a platform, starting a blog, and becoming an expert in a niche area or broad if you have a solid background in many things. Develop techniques and a structured way of doing your jobs so you can walk your talk. Create an uplifting and catchy name, domain name, and logo. Design a website that emanates from you and what you have to offer. No shame, no harm policies are the most critical aspect of the decluttering industry. You want to clear yourself of any misperceptions, misunderstandings, and judgments. It is not your place to tell someone what to do with their stuff. It is your job as an organizer to figure out where everything will go so the customer can easily access their property without stepping over everything they own. Become an expert at space design and going paperless since everyone is looking for solutions to display their objects and put away their personal items. Your clients want their homes or business offices to look aesthetically pleasing, and they want to keep their stuff close at hand. A professional organizer’s job is to clear the space of cluttered piles, junk drawer chaos, and personal piles. The organizer's next job is to categorize all objects and help the person calculate what will be kept. Next, all kept items are finely tuned and contained and put away in a home designed for them based on how often, when, and where they use their stuff. Figure out a product line that works and is cost-effective for professionally organized homes and businesses. Stone has researched organizing products and knows the amount and what will work to remain organized. The clients I-Deal-Lifestyle have worked with, kids, moms, dads, CEOs, and people who love to collect, have been happy with their strategies and have remained organized for years. It is not about expensive baskets, boxes, or bins. It is about quality and usefulness when it comes to products. Stone explains, “Decluttering/Organizing services are a high-end, luxury service that lasts longer than any spa treatment or vacation. Stone’s clients are often so grateful they cry and revel that they can keep up the organization system themselves. Stone opened first in Irvine, California, and serves San Diego, Los Angeles, the greater Los Angeles South Bay area, and the San Fernando Valley, Riverside, and Palm Springs. The website is the fundamental way people get the services, but the benefits speak for themselves and keep the clients coming. The philosophy is to help people understand their space and stuff and that getting help is not shameful. Hold on, here comes another seasonal transition. Fall is here for real. Seasonal transitions can bring on intense, tiring, and moody feelings. You may feel a drag in your step and wonder why you're so tired. Well, you just went through a busy and active summer, and now you are headed for the busy season of the holidays, and it just makes sense that you want to rest and take a breather. We are not energizer bunnies, are we? We are human, and we demand transitional rest periods.
Seasonal transitions can be daunting if you are unaware of what comes with them. Even if you do not meet the criteria for seasonal affective disorder, you can have cranky, tired, and restless behavior due to the seasonal change. The most challenging change is Winter to Spring, then Spring to Summer, and the most effortless seasonal change is Summer to Fall. Getting the kids ready for school, planning a fall vacation, or recuperating from a summer vacation is not the end of the earth, but here are some tips to make it easier. STAY HEALTHY The most significant factors in staying healthy and balanced are eating well, sleeping well, having good relationships, exercising, and staying active and social. Also, recognizing and realizing that you are entering a new season will remind you to increase your coping strategies. One of the great gifts you can give to yourself every season is an organic fruit and vegetable basket from your local Farms. Getting on an organic delivery service will help you eat vegetables and fruit that are in season and save you lots of time grocery shopping. The size of the basket depends on the size of your family. You also want to eat cage-free organic eggs, grass-fed meats, organic meat, and fresh-water fish. Ingesting liquid amino acids, taking hot baths, taking care of your teeth, getting regular massages, and practicing general good hygiene will help you feel renewed and rejuvenated. Taking vitamins and minerals regularly, eliminating harmful sugar substitutes, hydrogenated oils, too much alcohol, and smoking while increasing exercise will also be helpful. Getting counseling and/or coaching for any emotional challenges will also clean out the pipes, allowing for a fresh new look at old challenges. SLEEP WELL Sleep cycles vary with each season. Usually, people require less sleep in summer, although some people run on an opposite clock....we all tick differently. Fall, well, you fall asleep...pretty great sleep. Fall is a pretty easy-going time in the beginning. Then you want to gather energy, momentum, and discipline to prepare for the hustle and bustle Fall brings with school starting, preparation for the holiday season, and shorter days/less sun. Winter brings on some sleep challenges when you're not careful. Too much sleep in Winter leads to decreased motivation, depression, and weight gain. Insomnia leads to irritability, reduced concentration, and apathy. Prescription sleep medications and over-the-counter remedies increase mood instability and cause only more disturbance to your sleep cycle in the long run. Winter also brings stomach issues from too much sugar, alcohol, and heavier food consumption. None of us can stay away from the table around the holidays. Higher sugar consumption starts with Halloween, then Thanksgiving, and the finale is Christmas and by New Year's Eve, you could be crashing while forcing yourself to stay up until Midnight. Ironically, Winter is also when we think about our New Year's Resolutions yet we can't think since we are tired from all the parties. You will best think about your life and the New Year in February. Remember, sugar is terrible for you, even in small amounts. As a medical social worker, years ago, I worked on a skilled nursing floor where people get increased hospital care due to surgeries, serious illnesses, and accidents. I performed discharge planning. I would look at the patient's chart to link them to resources while discharging them, and crazily enough, 85% of the elderly patients had diabetes. Epidemic proportions of people will end up with diabetes from ingesting too many processed, high-sugar foods and drinks. Also, think smart about drinking plenty of water, decreasing dairy or eliminating it altogether (fresh fruit sorbet instead of ice cream), eating lighter food fare with more fruit, decreasing alcohol, resting a lot, and wearing sun-protective eyewear and clothing. Increase exercise, drink more water and more sunscreen (keep applying; it is not waterproof), and then just kick back and enjoy the changing leaves. Marla Stone owns I-Deal-Lifestyle, a Lifestyle Consulting and Professional Organizing Service. Find more articles on |
Here, you will find an array of blog articles about living an ideal lifestyle and how to improve corporate business strategies.Marla is known as the Declutter Your Strategy™ expert. Marla earned her BA in Psychology and a Master's in Social Work. Stone is the founder of |