My FeelingsFeeling chart that will help you share feelings authentically
My FeelingsFeeling chart that will help you share feelings authentically
adequate adored affective afraid alert alienated amazed amused angry annoyed antagonistic awkward anxious apathetic appealing apprehensive ashamed awed bad
baffled bashful benevolent bewildered bitter bored brilliant cared for
cranky complacent comfortable concerned confused consoled content courageous carefree curious cynical degraded
dejected delighted dependent despised disconsolate discontented discouraged disdainful disgusted dismal dismayed disturbed eager
edgy elated embarrassed empathic enchanted enraged enthusiastic envious esteemed estranged excited exhausted |
fed-up fond forlorn friendly frightened frustrated furious futile glad
gloomy grateful gratified great guilty happy
hateful helpless horrified humiliated hurt idolized
impatient important impotent indifferent indignant ineffectual infatuated infuriated insecure intelligent involved jolly
joyful Jovial Jesting Jealous jubilant kind
kindred keyed up knowing lethargic
labeled liked labile listless loathed lonely loved lustful lazy miserable
mixed-up moody melancholy macho mad made macabre maladjusted marvelous mature manipulated |
needy natural naughty nauseated negligent nice numb nebulous nurtured optimistic
odd offended old operative outdated obstinant panicky
passionate peaceful perplexed popular proud provoked puzzled patronized pathetic patient peachy pitiful preoccupied proficient quirky
quarrelsome quiet qualified regretful
rejected relieved repulsed restless resentful resigned respected relaxed reserved riddled rigid righteous satisfied
scared self-conscious shocked shy sick smart strong sullen superior supported sure suspicious |
tender tense terrific terrified threatened tired torn-up tranquil troubled trusted trusting turned-down unfulfilled
unappreciated unhappy uplifted unloved unpopular upset useless unworthy useful valiant
vengeful vibrant validated vulnerable violated vile vibrant volatile voiceless viable victimized wanted
weak wearied worn-out worried worthy willful woeful worthless wronged weak youthful
yearning yielding zestful
zealous zany |