Learning Feng Shui is easy when you have a teacher that makes it easy. Learning Feng Shui in depth can take years, just like learning a language. But the basics of understanding the Bagua (floor plan map) of your home and or office is quite easy. Basic Feng Shui will teach you how to set up any home, business or office space properly. Understanding the basics will teach you how to place furniture, which direction furniture pieces like desk, bed and couch should face, and what objects belong where and what objects can be eliminated and or added. Basic Feng Shui will help you understand each area of a home and what it represents. Recognizing each space, room, home, business, office is divided into 9 equal parts helps you understand what activities would be best accomplished in what part of each space.
You will understand that the 9 areas of any space are Love and Relationships, Fame and Recognition, Prosperity, Children and Creativity, Health, Family, Helping People and Travel, Career and Skills and Knowledge, and how each area affects you, your life and family. You will understand how to navigate the Bagua Map and find out how to locate the above areas in any space you go into. You will be able to Feng Shui your own space easily and quickly. Friends, family and clients will marvel at your skill level, your intuitive process and how you will help them re-purpose furniture and set up the furniture so there is a more aesthetic and creative design. Asking yourself, "does this stuff really work?" Well, it is an ancient Science and Art originally named in China over 4000 years ago. The principles of Feng Shui are used in many cultures, by famous people, and business owners all over the world. Going into peoples homes for years I realized some people, who have never even heard of Feng Shui do it naturally, while other lack any kind of energy and flow and live in chaos and discomfort. When I give Feng Shui tips, ideas and suggestions to the latter clients, often they remark "that's how I used to have the space set up". I find that with grief and loss, divorce, life changing events many times people undo their good energy and flow and create a space that reflects their sorrowful inner self. Helping people get back an ideal living space is the main goal of Feng Shui Specialists. Helping people increase wellness in their health, relationships, family, children, loved ones, creativity, wealth, at work and school is the aim and point of Feng Shui. Feng Shui is a great way to purge items that do not belong in your space. Pictures of sad and lonely people, fake plants and flowers, items that hold negative memories, or objects that just don't reflect your being or nature tend to have a dampening affect on the energy of the space and the occupants. Many of my clients tend to keep items around that are never used, don't serve a purpose, not sentimental and that they just don't love, but they have difficulty parting with them. Feng Shui makes editing fun and easy. You will learn how to de-clutter with Feng Shui principles. Getting better energy and flow to all areas of your home, business, office is a great idea, and you will learn how to do it yourself. A Feng Shui teacher will come into your home, office or business and teach you on-site all the tricks of the trade and get your space Feng Shui'd on the spot. The Feng Shui teaching packages are 4 hours for $299.00 6 hours for $425.00 and 8 hours for $550.00. You will know every aspect of Feng Shui that you can possibly absorb in your session. You will be able to perform Feng Shui for a deserving family member, and or friends. You will be able to practice Feng Shui independently by the time your session(s) end. Wouldn't this be a fun gift for you and or someone you love. You will also get an I-Deal-Lifestyle Feng Shui Specialist Certificate so you can go into a Feng Shui business, or just help family and friends with confidence. On-going consultations with a Feng Shui Specialist over Skype, telephone or email is always available by appointment. Working with a Feng Shui Master, Feng Shui Teacher, and a Feng Shui Specialist is the best way to learn how to do Feng Shui. Find out more about getting a free 30 minute consultation to become a Certified I-Deal-Lifestyle Feng Shui Specialist now at 949-709-7000 or email [email protected]. 949-709-7000
![]() Getting your home prepared and decorated with Feng Shui Interior Design will most likely include some de-cluttering. I-Deal-Lifestyle is prepared to get you organized from the inside out and the outside in. De-cluttering involves sorting all your belongings into like categories. We empty your space of all items, categorize and then create containment systems for the categories so they do not shmoosh back together and create clutter chaos again. Once you are categorized, prior to the containment, you are able to go through your items to determine if they are "good" Feng Shui. "Good" Feng Shui means that the items have great energy and they create a happy feeling when you see them. "Good" Feng Shui also means great furniture and decor placement. Great furniture and decor placement creates a good energy and flow to each room. Feng Shui placement also includes placement of items that are symbolic of the Bagua of your home. The Bagua is simply a template that divides your home into 9 equal parts. You start from your front door to determine where your 9 areas are located. It sounds complicated but it is really quite easy to locate the 9 areas. The nine (9) Bagua areas are Skills and Knowledge
Call I-Deal-Lifestyle, Feng Shui Specialist Marla Stone for a free 30 minute phone consultation and find out which part of your home is Prosperity now at 949-709-7000.
Marla can teach you Feng Shui over the phone and Skype and do an assessment of your home or business space via email anywhere in the world. We have locations in Venice Beach, Santa Monica, Newport Beach, Irvine and San Clemente. Marla Stone www.fengshuiorangecounty.com Going discount shopping for decor via craigslist, Facebook stores and groups, and consignment is the decorator trend. Knowing what you love is key. Finding what you want is divine intervention.
Southern California's ever changing interior design trends are currently switching over to a more transitional approach for decorating a business and residence properties. Incorporating modern elements and accessories with ornate antique pieces, painted in a matt finis, is an up and coming trend in the retail store styles of home furnishings and decor. With simple touches of the old and new combined it helps create a unified look for both old and new generations to enjoy. The goal when renovating or redecorating a home is to create an appealing space with a new and universal look. Designers and stylist have found that there are plenty of new ways to incorporate the past with the present, but doing it with a splash of innovative creativity is the key. Renovated public malls, restaurants, hotels, and large chain home furnishing retail stores are the best places to look for design inspiration. Recently on a trip to Harrods Department store in London Marla Stone, owner of www.i-deal-lifestyle was amazed at the unique and lovely designs room by room, floor by floor. Just know this, you know what you like and what you do not like. Just stick with that kid! Most people make the biggest mistake, in decorating, by saying that your furniture is completely out of date if you bought it 20+ years ago. Looking around on ads on craigslist you will see that there is a lot of potential in the custom handcrafted furniture. By adding a coat of new paint or creating a faux rustic finish to an antique heirloom can save you $1000's on the in-store retail prices of today. With I-Deal-Lifestyle we provide you with the option to recreate a functional space with green design and the proper decor touches for an organized living space. I-Deal-Lifestyle's design approach to Feng Shui principles helps you with the furniture placement aspect of designing a room by creating a proper circulation pattern. Meaning that if the room "just doesn't feel right" or your find yourself constantly walking around a table or couch on a daily basis it probably means that your room is not setup properly. The scale of home furnishings is another dilemma that most new home owners find when they are either downsizing their home or simply buying a house that is too large for their recent small scale furnishings. Knowing what items you own and the condition of each piece of furniture are vital to the decision making process for planning a design in a new or old space. It is also an investment when you are planning on refurbishing a specific piece that may or may not have been kept in the greatest condition. Simple things like "Do the drawers open?", "Is the fabric stained?", "Are the cushions still comfortable?" are the three basic questions that will cover the basis of knowing what to keep if any functional piece of furniture you own. When determining the use of a piece of decor that simply serves the aesthetic purpose of sitting on a table or hanging on a wall it tends to be the more sentimental items that homeowners often have a more difficult time making decisions whether to donate or keep. All you have to do to figure out if it is truly an item worth keeping is first "DO YOU LOVE IT?" If yes it is an accessory that will play a vital role in determining the colors scheme and style that you want your new space to be designed around. Finding that one piece that you love can tell any designer or decorator a lot about your personal interest in what you can see yourself looking at and living around everyday of your life. The biggest misconception in design, for people who are not in creative field, and are more functional and practical based people, is that they say they have no objectivity when it comes to design. This is completely NOT TRUE! By keeping the above basic concepts in mind, for determining your taste, in what items your should keep and donate, you will be able to find your ideal style today. http://www.fengshuiorangecounty.com 30 minute phone consult at 949-709-7000 Recently I helped a woman looking for a home in Laguna Beach, last month in Irvine, and prior to that you name it. I have helped people find homes from Malibu to La Jolla. Utilizing the skills of a Feng Shui expert is important, not only for the skills that tell a person if the home is "good" feng shui, but having the guidance of a sensitive person that understands real estate, values, design and function.
Growing up with a dad that has been a real estate developer for the past 60 years and a real estate appraiser husband has influenced my abilities to pick fabulous properties with investment written all over them. I understand people and also have great intuition when it comes to matching people with properties. Yes, I have my real estate license to make it all come together. My main goal in helping people seek properties with an ideal land parcel and dwelling that will work for them aesthetically, professionally, personally and for great investment prospects. The first thing I do is understand what my client's values are in life, personally, professionally and socially. If the client loves to entertain but they are looking at a home with a small living room and dining areas I will help them understand the home does not lend to large groups or even small intimate parties. If the family has growing kids that love athletics but the neighborhood is empty nesters with not a lot of grass options or other kids, I say “lets look at more options.” Visa versa, empty nesters looking for quiet neighborhood in a noisy kid area, with mowers and blowers going 24/7, I guide to different destinations. Knowing my client’s number one priorities helps get them to the correct neighborhood, plot of land and space. A great and creative cook / entertainer is looking for large and functional kitchen, a person with physical functionality challenges doesn't want multiple levels. Sensitive to energy types don't want a bunch of power lines all around, and beach people don't want a property 30 minutes away from the beach. Honing in on personality and lifestyle helps identify neighborhood, city, and even state properties that will work for each individual client, long term. It is not a one stop shop opportunity. It is not about the realtor paying off a second mortgage or sending a child to college or a new grand baby. The real estate agents responsibility is: Selling or locating property that fits the client perfectly, creating their ideal lifestyle and client happiness is the key to a successful real estate transaction. Feng Shui also comes in handy. The Feng Shui aspects most important in properties are: rectangular or square lots and not lots that are triangular in shape, a home without another home hovering over the top of it, a home where the headboard of beds can be on walls not facing west and homes with stairs coming down to the front door are to be avoided. Homes with fire pits or fireplaces in back of prosperity can be fixed with fountains or water features, encroaching properties, noisy street noise, damaged or destructed properties, choppy floor plans that would take a fortune to fix, homes with poor window to wall ratio, and driveways where you have to back out backwards are all bad Feng Shui. Inconvenient parking in area, homes at end of cul de sacs, and homes at a T and homes below street level are considered to create menacing and restless feelings. There are Feng Shui fixes but why buy a home when you have to fix it, when there are so many on the market at any given time. Realtors who tell you there is not a lot of inventory, especially in Orange County are not always being authentic. Look on www.realtor.com and find your dream home and get some support from a Feng Shui expert to help you determine an exact fit to you and yours. Marla Stone is a Real Estate professional and a feng shui expert located in Irvine, and San Clemente serving all of California and beyond. Call 949-709-7000 for a free Feng Shui phone consult now. It is that time of year again. The eating frenzy is starting. So get your appetite ready! The meal prepared for Thanksgiving is quite traditional. Turkey, green beans, stuffing, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie and any other goodies that you can think of. But all that in one sitting can be a bit much for your tummy. So take it easy on the grazing. Leave some things out for the next day. Thanksgiving is also a time for family get togethers. Some you are thankful for and others, well, perhaps not so grateful. Taking the time to reflect on family is a good thing, most of the time. Acting in an unconditional and respectful way, no matter how someone grates on you, is the civilized thing to do. A cordial hello is a good start and ending. You don't have to ask everyone how they are doing, and engage in a full length convo. Be on your best behavior with everyone you come across. Have compassion in your heart. Besides eating and sitting next to a relative, many people are triggered to get organized before Christmas. A great way for organizing is to empty all the drawers in your home and categorize every stitch of what you own. Find the items that you will no longer use and donate or toss them in recycling or trash. E-waste items are best brought to E-waste sites. Here in Orange County the free E-waste site is in Irvine. Next empty out all the cabinets, including the kitchen. Categorize and go through everything you own, asking yourself these 4 questions: Is this item going to be used? Does this item serve a purpose? Is this item sentimental? Do I love this item? After that empty all your closets and storage areas, including the attic, basement and garage. Categorize, categorize, categorize! Once everything from all the areas of your home are categorized, and you have decided what will remain in your house, the next step is to contain the categories. Giving each and every category a proper home is the way you will stay organized long-term. You will become, what I coined, "Perpetually Organized". The next step is to find the proper home for your contained items. Well, that is easy. The first thing to realize is that the only items that go in your inner space, such as cabinets, closets, and drawers are the items you use daily, weekly and monthly. Anything that is a once or twice or three times a year object goes further away. The less used items can go in the garage, attic or basement areas of your space. Then with the daily, weekly and monthly items figure out where you will use them and find a shelf, drawer or cabinet to put them in for easy access. Getting organized is not rocket science, but it takes some might, strength and a good plan. It will also involve buying shelves, cabinets and drawers, clear bins, baskets or bowls to hold all of your stuff that does not fit into existing space. After you have pondered your objects, purged what doesn't meet criteria, categorized every single thing, contained and put away all your goodies, kick up your feet and have some left over Turkey and mashed Potatoes! Marla Stone, MSW is a Professional Organizer in Orange County, California. She has helped over 1700 people to date get organized for good! Call her for a free consultation at
949-709-7000 or email [email protected] Having a messy and cluttered office space does not help you increase your business presence or the revenue. It only makes you look bad to your customers and cannot feel good to be in the middle of a chaotic over run office space. Even if you have no clients visiting your office and even if you are the only one that goes to your office it's not appropriate for you to work in a disorganized and cluttered place. Orange County Professional Organizers will help you get your office organized, your emails organized and get all the paper trails managed, boxes sitting everywhere put away in the correct spot or area and put you back into the driver's seat of your business with easy access to your office supplies, notes, information and anything that will create increased harmony, peace and money. Yes "Show Me The Money".
Business Organizers Orange County has many, but who do you call to help you? Well you call a Professional Business Organizer who will help you not only get organized but stay organized. Going paperless was the best thing I ever did. The old way is just far too demanding of time and just not a great method considering 80% of what we file we never access again. Organizing jobs usually can take 1 day to several weeks depending on the size and the amount of stuff you own in your office but the long lasting results make your life so much easier and happier. Organizers are natural planners and organizers usually from the start to their life. You may not be a natural at keeping organized so we coach you and teach you techniques to not re-clutter. This is what differentiates our services from other organizers. We have a proprietary method to keep you organized long term. We do not like repeat customers, we like referrals to new customers. Getting your office space organized and getting furniture that helps the office look nice is important. It creates an organized atmosphere which stimulates you to stay on track with growing your business. Organizing files and eliminating what you do not use on a regular basis and that you can look up anytime on the internet will really be a great way to start any business organizing project. Understanding how to move towards paperless files and learn more about productivity and efficiency will be super helpful to your overall success as a business owner in Orange County. ![]() To be or not to be with Clutter. There are so many Professional Organizer terms, thoughts, ideas and philosophies about why people have so much clutter and can't control it. Personally I believe clutter is comfort and discomfort all in one. It is a love / hate relationship with our stuff that is created as an easier love / hate relationship than with friends, family or people or relationships. Otto Rank was the person that started to understand how people perceived objects or even images in their mind to take the place of a personal relationship with mother or father, while Fairbairn coined the term "object relations". Melanie Klein a psychoanalytic genius theorist started to understand infants relationships with their mother's parts, and recognized that babies eventually realized that the breast, the child had been sucking on and having a relationship with, was part of the mother as a whole. The "independent" breast was initially the love object of the child, and not necessarily the mother in total. So as a theorist myself I surmise that as soon as the child realizes the breast is part of the mother, and has any contention with the mother, the breast is not as exciting, as it becomes associated with the mother. Next, as you can surmise, any objects including bottle, bears, toys, teething rings, dolls, toy soliders, balls, puzzles and keys become the next independent objects the child loves. These objects are given to the child from the parents, but are not part of the mother or father, yet are controlled by the mother or father. So a new relationship forms with "independent" objects, although the objects, at the parent's discretion, turn up or slip away without the child's control. This lack of control over their loved objects make the child feel powerless at times and annoyed and frustrated so much so that when the love object returns there may be an unhealthy attachment that starts to form. We all know the "blankie, or binkie, or snuggly" blanket theory. Baby child is given a blanket to "comfort" them. Then the parents, at their own will, when recognizing the child's love attachment, to the blanket, may manipulate the blanket, as a tool, for conditioning the child to be obedient, furthering the unhealthy attachment to the blanket. The objects for children can be soothing to the child and an ally against the unhappiness the child feels with the parent training tactics. T As the child gets older television, video games and phone become the number one object of focus and love for the child. If you think of Television as a "controlled substance" you can see clearly how the parent / child relationship surrounding watching t.v. can be distressed and disturbed. Obviously putting children in front of a TV or video game instead of healthful, mindful and playful interaction with the parents is a very bad idea. We now are a society that finds GREAT comfort with television. Television in small doses and with very creative programming can be a fun and delightful thing, but when it is about watching mindless, soap-operaish, drama wrenching stupidity it is definitely robbing your life away. In fact given a choice to choose Television over any other objects, in the long run T.V. would probably win. In severe cases of object attachment there are people with significantly unhealthy relationships with objects. The objects have become allies against every person that is in their life or enters their life. The objects don't allow the home to be cleaned, they cause dangerous pathways, or no pathways. The objects become broken and pose possible injury, or they become dust suffocation objects. I have had numerous clients on breathing machines due to lung damage from all the dust their loved objects collect. So in essence the things they love the most are killing them literally. The blind love of the objects is like a person having a relationship with a batterer, becoming a victim of addiction and affliction. To have a home pile up, not be able to use the kitchen, the living areas and sometimes not even the bathrooms, but still go on living life as if nothing is wrong is denial in a large form. The people with object attachment often don't really care about their objects as much as they care about having them. They love the stuff they collect and they have so much of it that they can't even find the things they love the most. And in my research with the people that over-collect and make a big mess I get the love of stuff and the object attachment. If matter did not matter we would all live in Teepees and have a drum and skirt on with a possible peace pipe or two. Not to knock the American Indian lifestyle, as I am moving towards minimalism, but most people would eventually miss their bed, their couch, clothes, toys and their T.V.. So the work I have been doing with people that have "object attachment" as I call it, are working on identifying objects that are truly sentimental, or purely attachment, memory invoking, and or that have a real pull on them so they can go to the next step. They also realize the difference between needing to breathe, eat, sleep, get sun, eliminate, drink fluids and have shelter versus wanting things. They understand that NO objects are needs. The next step they realize is that the objects that trigger their emotional body never filled the hole of having inadequate relations with their mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, friends and loved ones. The dolphins, cows, bears, jewelry, purses, shoes, clothes, books, records, papers are NOT GOING TO FILL THEM UP. Then we symbolize the objects. Usually the dolphins mean frolic and play they are missing with others, the cows are the way they feel, happy, tail waving in the wind, but often eaten and ravaged. Bears replace the cuddling they are not getting or never really had, jewelry means they are rich and cherished, purses are about prestige and status and shoes about grounded and established, clothes are "I will be prettier or more handsome", records are "I'm interesting and or isolative and don't need anyone, but my music" and papers, well papers are "I will gain more knowledge and be smarter or informed". These are just examples and not how everyone would symbolize their own objects. Symbolism must come from the person, not from the Organizer or Coach. Next we talk about a reasonable amount of stuff for one person. What is a reasonable amount of clothing for a retiree who rarely socializes? What is a reasonable amount of books for someone not currently reading and addicted to television? What is a reasonable amount of jewelry, bags and shoes for someone not earning a large income and has spending challenges? What are a reasonable amount of t-shirts for a woman of leisure? So most of the responses are "I will get to the objects someday?" My response is "when?" Then we agree on a reasonable amount of time it will take for them to realize the relationship they are having with the object and if it "space worthy". Like Elaine on Seinfeld understanding if a date was "sponge worthy" we look at objects to see if they are "space worthy". "Space worthy", meaning does it belong in your real estate? Defining the objects worth is worthy of your time. The decision about what to do with stuff is the biggest challenge with people who accumulate too much for their spaces. I mean, Candy Spelling had a doll collection that was housed properly in a gazillion square foot room of her home. She had ample space for her dolls and they were all organized and categorized. The problem is that the average person does not have the luxury of that kind of space. So I tell the person "your stuff is "taking up your real estate". But still the attachment is there with the objects. So I get that nod of understanding that the objects are crowding them out of their space, but with no understanding of how to organize their spaces. What helps a person with lots of objects and a lack of organization skills is understanding what is precious to them and what they have tired of. Finding objects in back of closets, under beds, in corners usually is a sign they tired of the object. Although delighted to see their object again, and of course the standard "I was looking for that", or "Oh that's where you were" statement they usually acknowledge that they had tired of that particular thing. Then there are the random objects they purchased or accumulated from others deemed O.P.S. (other people's stuff) that they are really not that attached to. Breaking attachment challenges to objects is no easy task and can't be undone in a day, so helping cluttered people and their spaces part with a 1/3 of their belongings is an achievement. Parting with the items that do not trigger large emotional responses is usually easy for people. We talk about what is valuable (heirloom or just expensive and could fetch a pretty dollar), really meaningful (letters from a parent who died, or yearbooks, or moments), purposeful (things we all use on a regular basis, pens, paper, recipes, clocks, furniture, kitchen utensils, electronics), we talk about what is excess and that helps people make good decisions about what they keep, and why and what they do with it. Then the last part of understanding what to do with the prized objects, after a good editing without any regrets, pushing or prodding, since the organizer or coach does not want to re-create the same parent / child type of object manipulation relationship over again, the objects, can become manageable with some great space planning, bringing in armoires, cabinets, drawers and proper space and containment for their goods. Pushing and prodding are replaced with thought provoking statements such as "tell me about this?" or "what does this symbolize?" or "what is a reasonable amount?" or "will this object fill your hole and make you whole again?" and "what will make you feel whole and happy again beside these objects?" is a great way to a clutter free space. Marla Stone, MSW, Retired LCSW, Professional Organizer, Lifestyle Coach, Décor and Feng Shui Specialist is here to help you to find your ideal lifestyle. www.i-deal-lifestyle.com Having your nails done, getting a facial, going to a spa, and or treating yourself to a fine dining experience are all services we want over and over again. These services are pleasurable and it makes one feel special, calm and fulfilled. Having a Lifestyle Organizer going through your belongings, one item at a time, may not sound like a service in the above categories, but most of my clients will tell you it is the greatest service they ever treated themselves to.
Having a home that is organized by a professional house organizer is a luxury service that you will want to experience. Having all your home items categorized and in spaces where they fit and belong makes life easier, helps you function optimally, creates an enhanced productivity and efficiency, and above all your home will look like a model home. Reading books on organizing was a hobby of mine. I read literally hundreds of books and articles on creating a succinct and functional space, so my life could be free from searching for things, losing items, finding them haphazardly, and feeling perpetually frustrated ,like a hamster in a wheel with my stuff. I used many of the tips and ideas for getting organized while organizing my own home. I was able to see what worked and what did not. Some of the ideas made great sense, and some of the tips were for crazy making and not helpful at all. Below is a list of ideas for organizing your self and space that do not work well and ideas that are better
When you are ready for a lifestyle overhaul know that it won’t be the same as going to a day spa and having your body and hair coifed, but in the long run it is something that will last a lifetime and you won’t have to do it more than once if it is done properly and with care. Organizing done well is time spent well and you will feel happy, like a million dollars! Getting organized in North Orange County and South Orange County is a big step towards having the home, office, bedroom, bathroom, pantry, garage, living room, business and kid's rooms that you always wanted. But what do you do with the stuff you don't want anymore during the editing process of the project? First of all you make sure you don't sell or donate anything that you still love, that is sentimental, useful and or purposeful. Second identify items that are worthy of a garage sale or an estate sale versus items that will go to family, friends and or charity. If you go the sales route then where do you sell your stuff? Well, on OC Treasures on Facebook of course.
OC Treasure Hunt is designed by a Professional Organizer in Orange County named Marla Stone. Marla thought of the idea after over 800 customers in the past five years constantly wanted to sell their precious treasures or junk. She states "you know another household's junk is another household's treasure". Over the years thousands of dollars of her client's items were going to charity thrift shops, but now with OC Treasure Hunt everything is selling quickly and efficiently. "My clients have great furniture, clothing, toys, electronics, kitchen, garden, tools, appliances that they just can't seem to find a buyer for anymore on Craigslist, so they turn to alternatives and Facebook is it!" Marla is an expert (NAPO) National Association of Professional Organizer who understands the meaning of belongings. "Many people don't mind releasing items they have held onto and cherished for years, but they want to know the object will have a home where it will be loved and taken care of." People hold onto things that are not serving a purpose, they are not useful, or loved or even sentimental because they spent good money and they feel guilty that they don't want it anymore. Marla states "don't feel guilty, just find it a new home and be happy someone else will love it and you will get some of the money you spent back." Clearing out clutter or Grandma's china or furniture you have tired of, clothing that is not your size anymore but in great shape, exercise equipment, or even old records and knickknacks is a good idea if they are not of interest to you. "It is stuff that just takes up your Real Estate" explains Marla. Marla also provides Estate Sales Planning and holds Garage Sales regularly for customers advertising on OC Treasure Hunt and other on-line posting sites to get the best show and sales. If you are interested in getting organized, having an estate sale, or want to know more about Professional Organizing let us know at www.i-deal-lifestyle.com 949-709-7000 Getting organized by yourself will be overwhelming when you are also getting ready for the kids to go back to school. When clutter reaches epidemic or even mild proportions and you have been at it for awhile, take a breath and call a Professional. Organizers are people who see your space in a whole new way. People who organize homes and offices and businesses will see hidden space, space in cabinets and floor space to accommodate all of the belongings and furniture you own. As Marla Stone, MSW, Professional Organizer explains "a great home and business organizer will utilize space in a very specific and practical way".
Marla Stone was a therapist and social worker for many years. Upon retirement she set out to find a different path to helping people. She stumbled across professional organizing and started her business in Southern California, serving Orange County, Los Angeles and San Diego. "I help people from the inside out,and the outside in". Marla acknowledges she has been helping people get organized for 5 years now, and realized the same thing as Marie Kondo, and that is "everything is categorized". The difference between Marie Kondo's book information in "The Life-Changing Magic Art of Tidying Up" is that Marla goes deeper, and you are not pushed to get rid of a thing. Evidently you can get organized on the outside but if the inner you is not organized you will mess up your place over and over again, feeling overwhelmed and defeated. Getting organized starts with what Marla calls "Self Organization" and the "Space Organization" follows. The inner process of clearing out old wounds, and resentments and grief is necessary for a clear vision of how you want your space to be. "Know thyself" is the most important concept Marla teaches clients when it comes to clearing up, and beautifying space. Stone, teaches that changing your language from "I need" statements to "I want" or even better "I will" statements, changes your life immediately. Understanding that nothing in your space is a "need", and that nothing you do in life is a "need", is essential to live an ideal lifestyle. The only needs in life are air, food, water, shelter, sleep, elimination and sunlight, the 7 things that keep you alive. Everything else is "I want or I don't want", or "I will or I won't". Getting organized from on the inner changes your outer desires and outlook on life. Figuring out what you truly value in life is worth the time and effort, because it will change your life permanently, and in a very positive manner. Marla has worked with 1000's of people, to help them achieve self realization, and a new connection with their inner values and desires. Knowing what you value is essential to making changes in life for the better. If you don't know what you want, no goals can follow. Knowing what you truly want in life, not what others want for you, is the first step towards self realization. Organizing you, your thoughts, ideas, dreams, and then the outer space follows along. contact an i-deal-lifestyle organizer at [email protected] Orange County Professional Organizers helps people in Huntington Beach, Irvine, Newport Beach, Costa Mesa, Mission Viejo, Laguna Woods, Laguna Niguel, San Clemente, Dana Point, Coto De Caza, Ladera Ranch, Palos Verdes, Rolling Hills, Torrance, Redondo Beach, South Bay and San Diego. Call for a free 30 minute phone consult today. 1-949-709-7000 |
Here, you will find an array of blog articles about living an ideal lifestyle and how to improve corporate business strategies.Marla is known as the Declutter Your Strategy™ expert. Marla earned her BA in Psychology and a Master's in Social Work. Stone is the founder of |