Learning Feng Shui is easy when you have a teacher that makes it easy. Learning Feng Shui in depth can take years, just like learning a language. But the basics of understanding the Bagua (floor plan map) of your home and or office is quite easy. Basic Feng Shui will teach you how to set up any home, business or office space properly. Understanding the basics will teach you how to place furniture, which direction furniture pieces like desk, bed and couch should face, and what objects belong where and what objects can be eliminated and or added. Basic Feng Shui will help you understand each area of a home and what it represents. Recognizing each space, room, home, business, office is divided into 9 equal parts helps you understand what activities would be best accomplished in what part of each space.
You will understand that the 9 areas of any space are Love and Relationships, Fame and Recognition, Prosperity, Children and Creativity, Health, Family, Helping People and Travel, Career and Skills and Knowledge, and how each area affects you, your life and family. You will understand how to navigate the Bagua Map and find out how to locate the above areas in any space you go into. You will be able to Feng Shui your own space easily and quickly. Friends, family and clients will marvel at your skill level, your intuitive process and how you will help them re-purpose furniture and set up the furniture so there is a more aesthetic and creative design. Asking yourself, "does this stuff really work?" Well, it is an ancient Science and Art originally named in China over 4000 years ago. The principles of Feng Shui are used in many cultures, by famous people, and business owners all over the world. Going into peoples homes for years I realized some people, who have never even heard of Feng Shui do it naturally, while other lack any kind of energy and flow and live in chaos and discomfort. When I give Feng Shui tips, ideas and suggestions to the latter clients, often they remark "that's how I used to have the space set up". I find that with grief and loss, divorce, life changing events many times people undo their good energy and flow and create a space that reflects their sorrowful inner self. Helping people get back an ideal living space is the main goal of Feng Shui Specialists. Helping people increase wellness in their health, relationships, family, children, loved ones, creativity, wealth, at work and school is the aim and point of Feng Shui. Feng Shui is a great way to purge items that do not belong in your space. Pictures of sad and lonely people, fake plants and flowers, items that hold negative memories, or objects that just don't reflect your being or nature tend to have a dampening affect on the energy of the space and the occupants. Many of my clients tend to keep items around that are never used, don't serve a purpose, not sentimental and that they just don't love, but they have difficulty parting with them. Feng Shui makes editing fun and easy. You will learn how to de-clutter with Feng Shui principles. Getting better energy and flow to all areas of your home, business, office is a great idea, and you will learn how to do it yourself. A Feng Shui teacher will come into your home, office or business and teach you on-site all the tricks of the trade and get your space Feng Shui'd on the spot. The Feng Shui teaching packages are 4 hours for $299.00 6 hours for $425.00 and 8 hours for $550.00. You will know every aspect of Feng Shui that you can possibly absorb in your session. You will be able to perform Feng Shui for a deserving family member, and or friends. You will be able to practice Feng Shui independently by the time your session(s) end. Wouldn't this be a fun gift for you and or someone you love. You will also get an I-Deal-Lifestyle Feng Shui Specialist Certificate so you can go into a Feng Shui business, or just help family and friends with confidence. On-going consultations with a Feng Shui Specialist over Skype, telephone or email is always available by appointment. Working with a Feng Shui Master, Feng Shui Teacher, and a Feng Shui Specialist is the best way to learn how to do Feng Shui. Find out more about getting a free 30 minute consultation to become a Certified I-Deal-Lifestyle Feng Shui Specialist now at 949-709-7000 or email [email protected]. 949-709-7000
Many people who call me for Professional Organizing Services are also interested in Feng Shui. Most people I encounter do not really know too much about Feng Shui, but they appear mystified by the thought of it. Some people say "I'm not interested in Feng Shui". Interestingly though the people who have "gone for it" usually have the best experiences when I follow up with them. I get many calls from clients months after they have been Feng Shui'd exclaiming the successes and changes in their lives. Some clients are getting divorced and have to downsize, others are going through short sales and have to move quickly and want to have us pack, many people have moved and want to be unpacked. Some clients are decor challenged and have furniture to and fro and pictures in upper right hand corners of their walls. I always say O.M.M (oh my my) what were you thinking?? Some people have ADD Attention Deficit Disorder or ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Everyone has a reason to call a Professional Organizer, but usually the client is "missing" something in life or there is an imbalance of some kind. After organizing one client's bedroom, and moving her bed to the center of the room, with two end tables on each side, instead of the bed being squished against a wall, she has become more balanced, claimed her love life is more fulfilling and has expanded her business three fold. Another client has told me that her life will never be the same since we organized and Feng Shui'd her. She said that she felt "joy and peace for the first time in years". Other clients that I spoke with claimed better health, increased wealth, better socialization, more fame and recognition, a hotter sex life, increased desire to go back to school, better job opportunities, stability, and more. Rather then just moving furniture around, cleaning out your pantry and closets, using baskets and finding a home for everything, Feng Shui stirs up new and exciting energy in your self and space. Energy or Chi can become stagnant and stale sitting aimlessly in your home or office. You may wonder why you have so many fake people or clients in your life? Look around and count how many fake plants are in your space. Is it difficult to see your self, life and others clearly? Maybe the window washer needs a call? Imagine why your romance has died and gone to heck? Look in your Love and Romance corner of your home or office and see blocked areas, dried flowers or absolutely no objects symbolizing Love. Figured out why the money has stopped flowing in steadily? Look at your Prosperity corner and notice that there are no round shaped leafy plants, purple and blue objects and MONEY! Yes, just putting money in your Prosperity corner can bring the gold coins in. Has your Health turned to sour grapes.? Put some fresh fruit and a growing plant in or near your Health Bagua. Is your Children and Creativity area in your laundry room? You'll figure out that your Children and your Creativity will feel washed out and dry. Yet there is a Feng Shui Fix for every area of your home and your life. Does the Career area of your home reflect your growing career and aspects of the Career that you want to enhance? No, well that is why the career department might be hurting. When was the last time you Traveled to a bucket list destination? If the Wise People and Travel area of your home is enhanced with travel destinations, a few angels and Wise People symbols you just might be going on that trip to____________. Have your skills and knowledge gone to pot? Let's beef up that area with books and ideas that you want to bring into your repertoire. Are you having difficulty with a particular family member and want some resolve? Let's put up some pictures of that person in your family area and objects symbolizing unity to build up that relationship. How about some recognition for what you would like to be famous for? Hanging awards and putting some spiky plants and bright flashy colors can really get the phone ringing and bring on the applause. Bottom line each and every Bagua (nine separate Baqua's in your home represent a different source of meaning and energy for you) must be Feng Shui'd often in order to have continuing change and new events occuring in your life. It is not a one time deal, but something you want to engage in when certain aspects of your life require a Small or Dramatic Change. Call Marla Stone for a free 30 minute phone consultation and to learn more about getting a Feng Shui Fix!! Feng Shui can be done on Skype as well. Call for details!!! www.i-deal-lifestyle.com 949-709-7000 [email protected] Do you ever feel so bogged down that you just don't want to do anything? Have you become frustrated with how you are living day to day? Do you have laundry, papers, dishes, clothing and just tons of stuff piling up? How about your garage and closets, do you actually know what's in there? Well you are not alone. So many people that I help are overwhelmed with responsibility, children, loss, caretaking, work, and just life in general. Many people are living lives of quiet desperation just waiting for that "adult nanny" to walk in and save the day. I-Deal-Lifestyle offers you that wonderful "adult nanny" type of service every day of the week. I-Deal-Lifestyle also offers personal shopping, Feng Shui, Decor Solutions, Life Coaching, office and paperwork assistance, and much, much more. We love helping people with their self and space, clearing a path for more joy, wellness and clarity. We teach you easy and efficient ways to keep your space organized long-term. You want to know when enough is enough and get someone to help you sort through all of the things that are clogging your lifestyle. I-Deal-Lifestyle has the expertise to organize every aspect of your self, your life and your space. We organize every room in your home, including closets and garages. We do it with zest, talent, warmth and concern to detail so that you will feel intense relief even with one visit. Using Feng Shui as a template for organizing makes it interesting and puts some structure and zing into the affect of the end result. Marla Stone, I-Deal-Lifestyle, Professional Organizer will even Feng Shui your bookcases, built ins and your desk. Feng Shui, an ancient artistic practice of placing objects in your home is a special way to create balance and harmony, wellness, prosperity, romance, friendships, family harmony, health, creativity and wisdom. If you don't think it is real, Marla will tell you it is since she sees how people naturally actually Feng Shui without even ever knowing it existed. Her expertise and moving furniture around and placing your decor in special places usually immediately has an affect on the occupants of the home or office. A Feng Shui Template divides your home into 9 separate but equal areas. These areas are called Baguas. Below is an example of the different areas of your home if it is a perfect rectangular shape. If your home is not a perfect rectangular shape then you have "missing" parts to your home that would be built up in order to maintain balance and harmony. Very Simplified Bagua Template Prosperity Fame & Recognition Love & Relationships Family Health Children & Creativity Skills & Knowledge Career Helping & Wise People/Travel Each area is associated with certain colors, shapes and elements. Feng Shui is a learned skill and can be mastered with a lot of training and education. It is a fun way of decorating and organizing your self and your space. So get Feng Shui'd, organized and breathe some vitality and life into your self & space. Call I-Deal-Lifestyle for a free 30 minute consultation and GET ORGANIZED NOW! 949-709-7000. Or email and set up an appointment for an assessment to get started! [email protected] Professional Organizer, Orange County, Los Angeles County, San Diego County Well we are headed into 2023 with many new changes on the horizon. I wish you the best holiday season ever. Whether your happy or unhappy, healthy or unhealthy please remember to have the best attitude, diet, health regimes and positive relationships you can possibly muster up. When you compare life to a radish, it can be bitter and sweet at the same time. But if you didn't have the bitter you also wouldn't know the sweet, now would you. You will NEVER get rid of ALL the tumult in your life, but I will offer some things to make it sweeter for 2017. And wow doesn't that year sound ominous 2017!! Since the New Year is coming many of us have a conscious or unconscious desire to improve ourselves. You may have even written a list of resolutions. I love the word resolution. Simply, it means to re-solve areas of our lives that are not working. One of my favorite sayings as a lifestyle coach is "so how is that working for you”? I use that phrase when people ruminate over the negative aspects of their lives, as if talking fervently about their woes somehow solve self and life issues. Rarely does just talking change or transform something that bothers us. It is the action that follows the thought that will change our behavior and our lives. Even cognitive restructuring, a popular therapytechnique, is just a band aid, if a new behavior doesn't occur. With all the wisdom and ideas I collected throughout the years, of helping people, I will share a list of my favorites with you. I will also talk about ideas for improved health, wealth and lifestyle in this article. Ideas and Thoughts for 2023 If you push you fall. Take the path of least resistance….it is always easier. There are rules to relationships, but you and no one else can make them and follow them. You are living your life like a hamster. You keep going round and round but you are not going anywhere. We only need air, food, water, shelter, sleep, elimination and sunlight, the seven things that keep us alive. In some cases medication is a need to stay alive, although many choose not to comply with medication and they still live, but not in a healthy way. Anything that keeps us alive is a have to or a need. We either want or don't want to do everything else. We either want a new beautiful home or we don't want a new beautiful home. Our home is only a need when the elements are going to kill us but a larger, more beautiful home is not a need, its a desire. We want to re-decorate or we don't. Those things are not needs! Watch the difference between have to, need to and or want or don't want to. We don't have to go shopping, clean our homes, care for the people in our lives, or even pay taxes. We either want to or don't want to. If there is something you don't want to do, but doing it would keep you out of trouble,then understand why you will do something that you don't want to do. For instance "I don't want to go to work, but I will since it will benefit my lifestyle and my family". If you find yourself loathing the job, admit that you don't like it, and that will be the first step to change. Admit the things that are not working for you. After you admit what doesn't work, use the decision making chart in my previous blog to identify a new coping strategy to change what does not work. Go to Therapy and or Get a Life Coach. Two heads are better then one. Stop blaming others or past situations and stay in the now! The only person listening to that kind of ranting and raving is you, and it will not solve anything. We cannot change the past. Your present self, health and your thoughts are the home you live in...it is your consciousness that is your home. When you are thinking about the past or future you are not in the now. Grip something tangible, like your wall or table and get fixed on the now and stay present. The wall is here now! Don't talk to the wall just hold on until you can get into the present. My mom's favorite saying "it takes two to tango"...don't know who made it up...but that is the case. If you are having a disagreement with another person, there is a way to resolve it without getting steamed up. Sharing your feelings and validating them can usually settle down a negative situation. If you are having a difficult situation with yourself then there are two aspects of self fighting each other....that is still two! Share your feelings with yourself and validate yourself. EX: I feel misunderstood, bullied, manipulated etc..... but I am a strong and capable person who will compromise. If you are upset with someone or something and have negative things to say....take that finger and point it towards yourself. Usually if you can see the negative in someone else it is because that trait is in you. Eat healthy. Look at all the products in your pantry and pull and out and trash anything with corn syrup, chemicals, hydrogenated oils of any kind, ingredients you can't pronounce or identify, products high in salt and or sugar content, products with dye. Use half the amount of oil you usually do, cut back on sweets and foods high in fat content. You can’t believe how much dye is in children’s cereals and cookies. Eat citrus fruit daily, decrease consumption of flesh, and increase intake of vegetables. Get a healthy water system installed in your home and drink healthy filtered water. Exercise, even if it is difficult or inconvenient. Decrease alcohol intake and STOP smoking! Am I starting to get annoying? Oh Well...these are just ideas/thoughts. If you meet criteria for an addiction http://www.sis.indiana.edu/DSM-IV-Criteria.aspx get help. Meet with friends and family as much as possible, as long as they are supportive. People closest to you, your support system, usually know you better then you know yourself. Have some kind of spiritual connection and practice being spiritual regularly in life. Have one day per week with only positive thoughts. Every time you think negatively, on that day, tap yourself on the shoulder and say “stop”, and resume thinking positively. Have a wonderful 2023!! Marla Stone is a Professional Organizer/Lifestyle Coach. Her company www.i-deal-lifestyle.com offers supportive services to families worldwide. 949-709-7000 [email protected] https://twitter.com/ideal_organizer |
Here, you will find an array of blog articles about living an ideal lifestyle and how to improve corporate business strategies.Marla is known as the Declutter Your Strategy™ expert. Marla earned her BA in Psychology and a Master's in Social Work. Stone is the founder of |