Einstein had a cluttered desk, and when he heard the saying, "A cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind," he responded, "So does that mean an empty desk is a sign of an empty mind?" Our answer is that your desk may be cluttered and overwhelming when creating and working on projects, but at the end of the day, you can create a place to clear the contents and put things away so the next day starts fresh. A home for everything is good, a system for papers is intelligent, and coming in the next day with a new, clean desk is always a relief. We are never wholly clutter-free and paperless. Having a system is vital to getting and staying organized. Being organized definitely creates an affinity for excellence. Feng Shui principles support businesses perfectly.
Feng Shui for managing a business will be fun, exciting, and stirring. A business consultant who uses the principles of Feng Shui understands intricate aspects of your furniture placement and where the executive staff is best seated. Finding belongings in your office that bring you great pleasure and that you love is critical. It is essential to focus on what kinds of objects and furniture are in your office and what they mean to you. Placing the things you love in specific places will increase well-being, prosperity, business connections, and employee and customer satisfaction. Life is too short to be surrounded by personal or professional belongings that you find depressing, a burden, or that you simply like. Keeping things you love around you will create energy, clarity, and focus. A shift will occur by moving items around until a great flow and energy is produced. Having a flow and space to breathe and feel whole is essential to staying organized and in tune with your surroundings, enhancing an ideal lifestyle and work ethic. An ideal lifestyle is created by aligning your values with your goals and achieving everything you want. I-Deal-Lifestyle Inc. is where you learn more about enhancing your corporate or business space. Feng Shui can help you gain new community relationships, decrease employee turnover, help you leverage your workforce, retain clients, and gain power within your field. Feng Shui is used by many Hollywood Stars and Billionaires, so their dwellings and offices have a feeling of luxury, space, and overall ease. Feng Shui may be used to unlock and eliminate many typical troubles people face. Feng Shui can address Chronic Disorganization, Attention Deficit Disorder, Depression, and Anxiety. Feng Shui can improve unhealthy family relationships, learning challenges, and Insomnia. It can help loveless relationships, increase money, decrease poor health, and avoid cluttering patterns. Feng Shui principles address not increasing support and creativity. If you or any of your loved ones or employees suffer from these symptoms, call Marla Stone at 1-949-709-7000 for a free 30-minute consultation. Feng Shui is an Ancient Science and Art created in China over 4000 Years ago. Marla Stone is a Feng Shui Specialist, mixing her 25 + years of Knowledge with Interior Décor and Professional Organizing, as well as her Social Worker and Therapist background. Your business can be in perfect order with Feng Shui Designs by Marla Stone and her team of Professional Organizers, Lifestyle Coaches, Feng Shui, and Interior Décor Specialists. We move your business forward with upcycling, recycling, and swapping out older furniture that has grown old and outdated for new furniture that will create your ideal setting for Your Today Taste. Feng Shui helps with the energy and flow of your office space, creating synergy and uplifting employees and customers. Your space is a reflection of your company and what it stands for. Having an assessment to check out your office space is essential since furniture placement and where your executive staff is seated could mean an increase in revenue, closing lucrative deals, staying ahead of your competition, or just being able to relax more in your busy work schedule. www.i-deallifestyle.com www.theclutterremedy.com CEO, I-Deal-Lifestyle Inc & Author of The Clutter Remedy: A Guide To Getting Organized For Those Who Love Their Stuff
Learning Feng Shui is easy when you have a teacher that makes it easy. Learning Feng Shui in depth can take years, like learning a language. But the basics of understanding the Bagua (floor plan map) of your home and or office is relatively easy. Basic Feng Shui will teach you how to set up any home, business, or office space properly. Understanding the basics will teach you how to place furniture, which direction furniture pieces like desks, beds, and couches optimally face, what objects belong where, and what things can be eliminated or added. Basic Feng Shui will help you understand each area of a home and what it represents. Recognizing each space, room, home, business, or office is divided into 9 equal parts helps you understand what activities would be best accomplished in what amount of each space. Download your free Feng Shui Book here> Feng Shui Booklet
You will understand that the 9 areas of any space are Love and Relationships, Fame and Recognition, Prosperity, Children and Creativity, Health, Family, Helping People and Travel, Career and Skills and Knowledge, and how each area affects you, your life, and your family. You will understand how to navigate the Bagua Map and find out how to locate the above areas in any space you go into. You can do Feng Shui in your own room easily and quickly. Friends, family, and clients will marvel at your skill level, intuitive process, and how you will help them re-purpose furniture and set it up so there is a more aesthetic and creative design. When looking at what you already own and thinking about purchasing, Ask yourself, "Does this stuff work for me? Feng Shui is an ancient Science and Art originally named in China over 4000 years ago. The principles of Feng Shui are used in many cultures by famous people and business owners worldwide. Going into people's homes for years, I realized some people who have never heard of Feng Shui do it naturally, while others lack energy and flow and live in chaos and discomfort. When I give Feng Shui tips, ideas, and suggestions to the latter clients, often they remark, "That's how I used to have the space set up." With grief, loss, divorce, and life-changing events, people often undo their good energy and flow and create a space that reflects their sorrowful inner self. The primary goal of Feng Shui Specialists is to help people get back an ideal living space. Helping people increase wellness in their health, relationships, family, children, loved ones, creativity, and wealth at work and school is the aim and point of Feng Shui. Feng Shui is a great way to purge items that do not belong in your space. Pictures of sad and lonely people, fake plants and flowers, things that hold negative memories, or objects that just don't reflect your being or nature tend to dampen the energy of the space and the occupants. Many of my clients tend to keep items that are never used, don't serve a purpose, are not sentimental, and that they just don't love but have difficulty parting with them. Feng Shui makes editing fun and easy. You will learn how to de-clutter with Feng Shui principles. Getting better energy and flow to all areas of your home, business, and office is a great idea; you will learn how to do it yourself. A Feng Shui expert will come into your home, office, or business and teach you all the tricks of the trade on-site and get your space Feng Shui'd on the spot. The Feng Shui teaching packages are 4 hours for $340.00, 6 hours for $510.00, and 8 hours for $680.00. You will know every aspect of Feng Shui you can absorb in your session. You can perform Feng Shui for a deserving family member and/or friend. You can practice Feng Shui independently by the time your session(s) end. Wouldn't this be a fun gift for you or someone you love? You can also get an I-Deal-Lifestyle Feng Shui Specialist Certificate by learning from Marla Stone. Feng Shui business or just helping family and friends with confidence. On-going consultations with a Feng Shui Specialist over Skype, telephone, or email are always available by appointment. Working with a Feng Shui Master, Feng Shui Teacher, and Feng Shui Specialist is the best way to learn how to do Feng Shui. Find out more about getting a free 30-minute consultation to become a Certified I-Deal-Lifestyle Feng Shui Specialist now at 1-949-709-7000 or email [email protected] Preparing and decorating your home with a Feng Shui designer always includes decluttering. I-Deal-Lifestyle Inc. is designed to get you organized from the inside out and outside. Decluttering involves sorting all your belongings into like categories. We clear your space first, categorize everything you own into broad categories, and then create containment systems for your stuff so everything does not smoosh back together and create clutter chaos again.
Once categorized, you can review your items before the containment to determine if they are "good" Feng Shui. "Good" Feng Shui means that things have great energy and create a happy feeling when you see them. "Good" Feng Shui also means excellent furniture and decor placement. Great furniture and decor placement create good energy and flow in each room. Feng Shui placement also includes the order of items that are symbolic of the Bagua areas in your home. The Bagua template divides your floor plan into nine equal parts. You start from your front door to determine your nine areas. It sounds complicated, yet it is easy to locate the 9 regions. Download a free Feng Shui Booklet here> Feng Shui Booklet The nine (9) Bagua areas are
& Author of The Clutter Remedy: A Guide To Getting Organized For Those Who Love Their Stuff 949-709-7000 www.i-deallifestyle.com [email protected] Update Your Home with Everything You Already Own by Marla Stone, MSW, Corporate Consultant1/19/2023 Going discount for decor via Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, sell/buy groups, and consignment is the decorator trend. Finding what you love is the key. Finding what you love is divine intervention.
Southern California's ever-changing interior design trends are switching to a more transitional approach for decorating business and residence properties. Incorporating modern elements and accessories with ornate antique pieces painted in a matt finish is an up-and-coming trend in the retail store styles of home furnishings and decor. With simple touches of the old and new combined, it helps create a unified look for both old and new generations to enjoy. When renovating or redecorating a home, the goal is to create an appealing space with a new and universal look. Designers and stylists have found plenty of new ways to incorporate the past with the present, but doing it with a splash of innovative creativity is vital to loving what you have. Renovated public malls, restaurants, hotels, and large chain home furnishing retail stores are the best places to look for design inspiration. On a trip to Harrods Department store in London, Marla Stone, owner of www.i-deal-lifestyle, was amazed at the unique and lovely designs room by room, floor by floor. Just know this: you know what you like and do not like. Could you just stick with that? Most people make the biggest mistake in decorating when they scratch everything they own and go for a generic-looking trend. Using some of your current furniture and decor with updating and eclectic styling can significantly benefit your property's look. Looking around at Craigslist ads, you will see a lot of potential in custom handcrafted furniture. Adding a coat of new paint or creating a faux rustic finish to an antique heirloom can save you $ 1000 on today's in-store retail prices. I-Deal-Lifestyle services allow you to recreate a functional space with a green design and the proper decor for an organized living space. I-deal-lifestyle's design approach includes Feng Shui principles, which help with furniture placement, space planning, and a good circulation pattern. If the room doesn't feel "spot on," or you constantly walk around a table or couch daily, your room is not set up correctly. The scale of home furnishings is another dilemma that most new homeowners find when either downsizing their home or simply buying a house that is too large for their recent small-scale furnishings. Knowing what items you own and the condition of each piece of furniture are vital to the decision-making process for planning a design in a new or old space. It is a wise investment when you plan on refurbishing a specific piece that may or may not have been kept in the most superb condition. Simple things like "Do the drawers open?", "Is the fabric stained?" "Are the cushions still comfortable?" are the three basic questions that will cover the basis of knowing what to keep, if any, functional piece of furniture you own. When determining the use of a piece of decor that simply serves the aesthetic purpose of sitting on a table or hanging on a wall, it tends to be the more sentimental items that homeowners often have a more difficult time deciding whether to donate or keep. To determine if it is worth keeping, ask yourself, "DO I LOVE IT?" If yes, it is an accessory that will play a vital role in determining the color scheme and style you want your new space to be designed around. Finding that one piece you love can tell any designer or decorator a lot about your interest in what you can see yourself looking at and living around every day. The biggest misconception in design, for people who are not in a creative field and are more functional and practical-based, is that they want more objectivity when it comes to design. This is entirely NOT TRUE! You can find your ideal style today by considering the above basic concepts for determining your taste in what items you own and donate. http://www.i-deal-lifestyle.com Marla Stone CEO, I-Deal-Lifestyle Inc & Author of The Clutter Remedy: A Guide To Getting Organized For Those Who Love Their Stuff www.i-deallifestyle.com [email protected] Utilizing the skills of a Feng Shui Real Estate Professional is essential not only for the skills that tell a person if the house is "good" feng shui but also for having the guidance of a sensitive person who understands real estate, values, design, and function. Recently, I helped a woman looking for a home in Laguna Beach, and last month in Irvine; before that, I helped people find the best homes from Coto De Caza, San Clement to Dana Point and Newport Beach.
Growing up with a dad who was a real estate developer for over sixty years, having a real estate appraiser husband, and an extensive background in Feng Shui have influenced my ability to pick fabulous properties with investments written all over them. Also, with my social work and psychotherapy background, I understand people and have great intuition when matching people with properties. My main goal in helping people seek properties is for the land parcel and dwelling to work for them aesthetically, professionally, and personally and be excellent investment prospects. Being a licensed real estate professional and owning a professional consulting and design business makes finding your ideal home or corporate business space straightforward. The first thing I do is understand what my client's values are in life, personally, professionally, and socially. I guide you to different destinations depending on whether you are an empty nester looking for quiet with no noisy kid areas or loud mowers and blowers going 24/7. If the client loves to entertain yet is looking at a home with a small living room and dining areas, I will help them understand the house does not lend to large groups or small intimate parties. If the family has growing kids that love athletics, yet the neighborhood is empty nesters with no grass options or other kids, then let's look at more options. I understand that a great and creative cook/entertainer is looking for a large and functional kitchen; a person with physical functionality challenges doesn't want multiple levels. Sensitive-to-energy types don't like many power lines, and beach people don't like properties 30 minutes away from the ocean. Knowing my clients is number one for me to help them get to the correct neighborhood, plot of land, and space. Feng Shui aspects are essential to include when looking for property. Most notable is that the property is on a rectangular lot. Homes on triangular or oddly shaped lots leave a resident unsettled. Also, homes with another home hovering over them can create less prosperity and less privacy. Bedrooms, where the headboard faces west if you are born in the Western world or facing east if you were born in the Eastern world, may cause health challenges and disturbed sleep. Other negative features are homes with stairs directly down to the front door, houses with fire pits or fireplaces in the prosperity section of the backyard, or pools located anywhere other than the prosperity area. Water features are always great Feng Shui in the prosperity areas of a property. More negative aspects and examples of bad Feng Shui are encroaching properties, loud street noise, damaged or destructed properties, choppy floor plans, homes with poor wall-to-window ratio, driveways where you have to back out, no parking near the house, and homes that are below street level. However, there are Feng Shui fixes for most negative aspects. Selling or locating properties for clients is all about client happiness. Honing in on people's personalities helps me identify neighborhood, city, and even state properties that will work for clients long term. It is more than a one-stop-shop opportunity. Real estate professionals' job is to find a property that fits the client rather than benefit themselves. It is not about the real estate professional paying off a second mortgage or sending a child to college or a new grandbaby. Also, some professionals who tell you there is only a little inventory may want to sell you specific homes where they benefit most. Make sure your real estate professional has your best interest at heart. www.i-deallifestyle.com [email protected] Marla Stone, CEO of I-Deal-Lifestyle Inc. & Author of The Clutter Remedy: A Guide To Getting Organized For Those Who Love Their Stuff Why do we have a "Bucket List?" As lore tells us, slaughtered animals kicked the bucket below them before they died. The bucket was placed below the doomed animal to catch its blood. What a gruesome image. So, to turn the bucket into a more promising and better vision, we have now come up with the term "bucket list."
Today, the bucket is symbolic of a dream catcher. Our whims and hopes dropped one by one into a pail we carry around our necks without emptying it. It's just a drop in the bucket for everything we can think of doing before we die. Instead, the receptacle for all our wishes, longings, and desires is our way of temporizing time and activities. How weird that we shovel into a bucket our wish lists, things we want to challenge ourselves to, the must-dos, plans, and goals. We hurtle and dump fabulous experiences and life's precious moments into a red plastic or gray metal vessel, your choice. Before we "kick the bucket," I say empty it of wants and longing and kick it as far away as possible. I suggest a "Now List." A New Now List is an exercise to do everything you dream of now. Why wait until you're half dead to do everything you desire? I know the excuses you will conjure up: the money, the time, the strength, and the stamina. The job, the kids, and the pets may prevent you from fulfilling even the simplest of your grails and targets. Why, though, is the question? Why would you often think deeply and with such fortitude about satisfying and worthwhile situations and not follow through with them? What are your excuses? Why don't you do the things you say you want to do? What is in your way? Whatever your answer is, why not liberate yourself? Either empty the bucket, figure out whether your idle itches will happen and when, or make a List and stop procrastinating. Stop carrying on about all these fantasies. Living with one foot in front of the other, in a dreamy daze of to-do's, cannot be fun. Start doing the escapades, climbing the trails of glory, begin your living now list, and put them in your #googlecalendar immediately. Get on with your extraordinary life, spark the magical beams across the universe, # organizeethegarage, think about #buyinganewhome #decoratethekidsroom, #learnanewlanguage, and #traveltoanexoticdestiny. Live bigger than you ever imagined. Live like it is your birthday every day, and enjoy life's pleasures. You deserve #thebestthingsinlife now. So go ahead, make a list, and make it sensible. #Flyingtothemoon, #buyingamazeratti, and #goingaroundtheworld can be part of the list. Don't hold back your most outrageous ideas. Then, could you visualize how to make it happen? Seriously, people have been known to come back to life after being pronounced dead. Anything is possible when you have a Now List in front of you. Hey, if you are saying to yourself, that sounds ridiculous, I say, "Nah." What is absurd is thinking that you'll get your way in life, carrying around an empty bucket of invisible dreams. Marla Stone, MSW, Life and Business Consultant CEO, I-Deal-Lifestyle Inc. www.i-deal-lifestyle.com Did you know you can even Feng Shui Your Bookshelf? Marla Stone, Professional Organizer, Décor and Feng Shui Specialist, and Lifestyle Coach says, "Yes you can even Feng Shui your Bookshelves". Use the Bagua above as your template. Place Bagua upright in front of your bookshelf so you know where your books can be placed in order to Feng Shui the bookshelf. So if you are facing your bookshelf, big or small, rectangular or square, simply divide the bookshelf into nine (9) equal parts. The far left hand corner on the top of the shelf is for all of your money books. This is where you would put books by Donald Trump or Warren Buffet, or books that state something positive about gaining wealth. The middle top of the shelf is where you place awards that you have received, and you can put a little décor into the shelf that signifies fame and recognition of you and your family. Any bright colored books on what you are famous for or what you would like to be recognized for can also go into this area. The top right hand side of the shelves is where all the Love and Romance books go. I do not recommend Romance Novels since they actually can create depression if you become too involved in them. But go ahead and put Romantic Poetry, anything shaped like a heart or red or purple décor. The middle left of the bookshelf is an excellent place to put some family pictures since that is the family area, also where you can put "getting along with family" books, and books related to family ties. The middle, middle of the shelf is for Spiritual Books and Spiritual awareness type of books and books related to health and happiness. The far right middle is for Children's books, books that promote creativity, art books or any books that make you feel more creative. This is also a good place for artwork décor. The bottom Left is for books that increase your skills and knowledge. This is where you put books or information on a subject you would like to improve on. The middle of the bottom of your shelf is where you put books related to your career or building a career and finally but not least the bottom right is for books related to helping people or support books that uplift you and help you feel more supported. It could also be a great place to put books that are from your ancestors or pictures of angels or uplifting spiritual leaders. Organizing your bookshelf according to Feng Shui Principles can help you not only get organized but feel organized and it also impacts the nine areas of your life which Feng Shui addresses. Take some time to Feng Shui your Bookshelves and your life will Change! Get a free Feng Shui 30 Minute Phone Consult from Marla Stone, Realtor®, Professional Organizer, Décor and Feng Shui Specialist and Lifestyle Coach Marla Stone Realtor Nora Gallogly Group Newport & Company DRE 01823712 DRE02078273 CEO, I-Deal-Lifestyle Inc & Author of The Clutter Remedy: A Guide To Getting Organized For Those Who Love Their Stuff 1-949-709-7000 www.i-deallifestyle.com [email protected] Being a homeowner has its own set of challenges. Some of them you can see and feel, such as basic repairs or upkeep. However, not every issue is identifiable, especially to the untrained eye. Check out these most common hidden dangers in a home to stay safe. LeadIf you live in an older home, it may very well have lead paint on its walls. Before the 1970s and 1980s, it was typical to use lead paint in homes. However, it was soon found to be extremely toxic to humans and was subsequently banned. Anyone living in older homes can purchase a lead paint sample test to detect its presence. Call a professional to remove any lead paint if you find any. MoldMold is another often hidden peril. Lurking in bathrooms, basements, and other moist areas, mold is hazardous to your health. It causes respiratory issues and allergy symptoms and weakens the home’s foundation. Fortunately, there are many ways to detect mold growth in your home. Most often, you can smell it. However, you’ll want to check under rugs, bathroom corners, closets, and other areas with high moisture content. AsbestosAsbestos is another one of the most common dangers in a home. Asbestos, like lead, is often found in older homes built before the 1980s. Originally used as a flame-retardant insulation material, the EPA banned its use in 1989. Still, asbestos has been found to cause a variety of respiratory ailments. Exposure can lead to asbestosis and mesothelioma, a rare form of lung cancer. It has also been shown to lead to cancer in the stomach, ovaries, and larynx. PestsFinally, look out for pests. Mice and cockroaches are nocturnal creatures. As you sleep, they wreak havoc on your home. Not only are pests annoying to deal with, but they also carry their own set of health-related concerns. Mice, for instance, carry various diseases. Meanwhile, t Do yourself a favor and call pest control if you feel you’re under invasion from unwanted critters.
Marla Stone, MSW REALTOR® License ID: 01823712 Nora Gallogly Group Beverly & Co. DRE#02078273 i-deal-lifestyle.com | Direct (949) 709-7000 |Connect with Marla on Instagram & Facebook! Marla is the Author of The Clutter Remedy: A Guide To Getting Organized For Those Who Love Their Stuff
For Marla Stone of I-Deal-Lifestyle Inc
“How to kick Anxiety and Depression to the curb” Welcome to 2022! A world very few of us expected to be what it is, and even then we are shocked to the core! Soooo much going on that no one prepared any of us for. From politics to religion to economy to shutdowns to masks etc have all caused the Human Dynamic to short circuit on the vibratory levels! With that said, we are facing an explosive increase in Anxiety & Depression cases globally! Why? What is Anxiety? What is Depression? Are they the same? First of all, let me briefly tell you about my personal experience with both... And even suicide! Quick flashback to a gorgeous and sunny morning of June 2002, I’m driving in traffic on the 405 fwy to a client’s house for a meeting. (BTW the 405 is called the 405 because it takes 4 or 5 hours to get somewhere!) Sipping on an organic cup of coffee with raw creamer and as Tony Bennet was doing his thing in the background, I started having sensations of blurriness, tight chest, heart started palpitating, and my left arm went numb! To make the rest of the long story very short, from my client’s house I called 911 and they rushed me to the ER! NOT FUN! After a few hours of every possible test on the planet and finding nothing wrong with me, the doctor came in and asked me to take a small blue pill! 20 minutes later I felt GREAT, which confirmed to the doctor that I was experiencing Anxiety & Panic! He sent me home with a Xanax prescription, yet I was never one for pills, so I decided to figure out how a 32 year old, healthy, successful, etc grown ass man can have Anxiety! The next few months were very rough as I also developed a serious case of Depression and was committed to finding solutions to all these new emotions and states of weakness! In some of my darkest suicidal moments, I made a promise to myself, that when I come out of this, I will one day create systems to help people either avoid these situations or get out of them much faster than I did! Here’s what I learned that eventually birthed the brand Badassery Factory! Through thousands upon thousands of hours of research, therapy, coaches, events, seminars, etc... I realized that I was the culprit! My thoughts and words were creating exactly how I was feeling at any one given moment! This also begs the question as to where these thoughts and words come from? Are they from an external influence? No, thoughts and words are based on my beliefs, aka my blueprint! I learned that 2 pieces of matter cannot occupy the same space at the same time! Meaning that I cannot hold a positive and a negative thought at the same time, nor a positive and negative emotion at any one given moment! This right here is the magic to the formula! I realized that every moment was up to me and I had the power to create Anxiety and Depression, or Happiness and Joy! Let’s quickly pause and understand the difference between Anxiety and Depression! Anxiety is nothing but worry and concern the conscious mind makes up about a possible negative future outcome! And the mind loves to run with that and create horrible scenarios about something that is not real! Depression is based on the past traumas, regrets, etc... The only way to have Depression is to bring the past to the present moment. Again, the mind loves to run with that and beat you up until the system vibration level drops low enough to where the body feels depressed! Remember, nothing happens in the body that does not happen in the mind first! The amazing human body is sounding board letting us know if we are on or off track of our mission here in this life... Ok so what did I actually do to kick Anxiety and Depression to the curb? The real journey was to become self aware. To know who I really am at the core. My values, my fears, my limiting beliefs, my triggers, basically understanding the current blueprint! The first step was to quiet the mind. Various meditations and breathing techniques are the perfect tools to achieve a peaceful state. For example, here’s one... Close your eyes, focus on your chest/heart, inhale through your nose for a count of 8, hold for a count of 8 and exhale through the mouth for a count of 8. And repeat this 10 times! Do this right now and you’ll see how simple this all is. The second step was to rewire my blueprint through repetition of self empowering beliefs. These beliefs will adapt to the new thoughts and words I use! The goal here is to love ME a LOT! The third and very important step was to do inventory on everything that was currently entering my being. What toxic foods/drinks was I consuming? What chemicals was I introducing into the body via deodorant, toothpaste, creams, etc? Are the people I’m hanging out with positive and happy or miserable and complainers? What was I watching on TV and listening to in the car? And I can go on! Everything you do will one day have an affect on how you feel! I will leave you with 2 nuggets to assist you in the not so fun moments. One phrase I teach clients to use is “I Am Safe”! This little gem does wonders! The second one is to tell yourself “This too shall pass”! Fast forward to present day, I feel amazing, I am emotionally balanced, love myself, am a great husband and father, and travel the world helping others achieve Happiness & Joy via coaching, trainings or from stage! To your Badassery, Andre Popa badasseryfactory.com Ask yourself what you are crying out for, fame, fortune, love, health, wealth, spiritual awakenings, wisdom, peace, joy, or a combination of things. When you get straight on what your heart desires, you can be fulfilled with the outcome of the goals. Marla Stone, MSW People may be a little more complicated than we actually realize. I like to think of people as Souls wrapped up in bodies that allow Soul to be productive and creative in the Physical World. I recognize Soul as always happy, untouched, and indestructible. Souls are creative sparks of light. Let's say we have four spiritual bodies along with our physical body to keep Soul protected and recognizable in this life. Besides our clay shell we have an Emotional body, a Memory body (which holds all of our past experiences), our Mental and our Primitive body (which contains all of our thoughts, and ancestral knowledge), and all these bodies can see, experience, and help us live out our life with a higher perspective. All bodies can be moving together or working against each other. For instance, when our Physical body gets broken or sick, we may not fulfill the ideas and thoughts that come from our creative mind or our mental body. When we have a primitive notion to procreate, yet emotionally we don't connect to others, having children could be out of reach. When there are memories of traumatizing past experiences, it an impact our ability to concentrate. Our organizational skills may conflict when our lighter spiritual bodies are in conflict. When we go in too many directions to stay focused on what we thought we wanted, keeping an organized home and business will seem difficult. So, therefore, your space may look and seem disorganized when all the aspects of self are disconnected or in conflict. Your Primitive (Ancient Beliefs and Experiences) with your Mind (Focus and Discipline), along with Past (Memories and History), mixed with your Emotions/Desires and Actions and Physical Functions, want to be aligned to move your dreams, ideas and goals forward. When the physical experiences are unpleasant, and your dreams are not fulfilled, know you still will change, no matter what. Nothing in this world stays the same for very long. None of the five bodies remain the same, ever. You are constantly fluctuating and altering. Therefore your self and space are constantly changing and transforming. So the organization of your space is something that is always taking place, as well. People and their lives continuously flux from organized to disorganized and vice versa. How long you stay in an organized or unorganized state depends on the alignment and connection to all aspects of yourself. One minute your mind and physical body are staying on track, your room is neat and organized, and the next minute emotion steps in, or a life-altering event, your attention is now off organizing and creating a new life experience, and disorganization can easily set in. Having purely great experiences and a great environment will not take place one hundred percent of the time. A good ratio of organized to disorganized is about 70/30. And if you are at a higher percentage in the organized state, you may not be having enough fun or engage in things like friendship, travel, or hobbies. There is a balance in the life of positive and negative experiences. The outer and physical experiences are temporary, and you can perceive them as positive, negative, or neutral, yet life's surprises still happen daily. I like the unbiased view, no judgment, the narrow road, the path of least resistance. It feels comfortable like fuzzy slippers since the reaction does not involve emotion. I also get most of my work accomplished when I feel neutral. Too much happiness and excitement, and I can't focus, and too much anger or sadness, and I'm left with no motivation. You can ask what Soul gets out of the whole experience here in the Physical World; well, it gets to create, and sometimes depending on the cooperation of all the bodies or lack of collaboration, it gets a mess or a masterpiece. The concept of the world you see, feel and experience every moment while staying in the now is a fundamental task. Remaining focused, having down-time, and resting periods is key to allowing creative thoughts to drift into your mind and being. I dream, think, and speak about a future, but I cannot be there, I can only stay in the now, and that always grounds me. Writing a to-do or goal list is the first step in manifesting your life experiences. The next step is to make the experiences successful according to your values. Being true to your values is a real test of how happy you will be with what you choose to do and or be. Is there an insurance policy for having our goals turn out the way we dream them up? No, yet can we have a successful turnout of our dreams, ideas, and goals with persistence and will, as long as they are realistic? Yes. Most of the time, we can fulfill our dreams, although the goals, objectives, and ideas are better when they align with our most authentic desires. You can re-think the desire when you find out the desires are not lining up with your values. So the first step is to identify what your most genuine desires are. The second step is to see your wishes align with your physical capabilities, emotions, history, mentality, and destiny. With each step to aligning yourself, you become more and more aware of who you are and what you want. For some, the practical ideas are "I want to go back to work," and some thoughts are "I want to be a better wife, husband, friend, or partner," or some ideas will be to have a better house job or level of success. But the dreams, ideas, and goals I am talking about are your secret ones. For instance, being a famous writer, a well-known public speaker, a doctor, teacher, poet, inventor, athlete, or a business person may be your secret dream goal. If you have a secret dream goal, keeping it a secret is probably the way it will not be fulfilled. Get your mindset straight and your emotions in alliance with what you want to accomplish; think of the number one thing you want in life. Decide what the top dream is, then everything about your world will change towards that goal. When you dream about being a famous scientist, designer, or anything you can think of, it is possible; if you are physically, emotionally, and mentally able to accomplish that goal, it is possible. It does not matter how old, poor, or uneducated you are. Dreams that are dreamt well are dreams that become real. When you don't see signs of achievement towards your dreams in a reasonable amount of time, re-evaluate whether the dream is aligned with your true talents, mind, and physical gifts. It is exciting that some people think it's imperative to create a brand new situation in life to be safe, happy, or protected. Creating a new world is not essential in a day, month, or year. Taking small steps to alter your life is the basis of change. Creating a safe, economically sound world in harmony with your goals and dreams takes discipline, determination, planning, and follow-through. Thinking about your values is a creative process. Do you value family, fun, friends, money, work, health, sex, affection, children, or religion? Find out what you love most in life and create goals that will keep you aligned with your values. For instance, you could lose your home when you've dreamt of a home and then bought one yet did not consider the financial aspects and responsibilities of keeping the house. There are many variables to affording a home that people do not understand, and they make foolish decisions. Some folks wake up every day blindly going through it, with no thought about their ideas and dreams, losing sight of what makes them happy, and they end up depressed and confined to their lives of misery. Crisis and mundane life situations do not happen by accident. You can become new every moment as your thoughts stay focused on your dreams and goals, and you keep a schedule, pointing you towards those dreams and goals. You can draw new experiences to you every day. Maintaining new ideas that are fresh every day, building on idea after idea. Refresh your value list regularly, come up with new ideas, solutions, and projects, and stay excited about life and change when you don't follow through on them. Know that when you feel sad or unsatisfied and think thoughts that trigger guilt or rage, that is what you will draw towards yourself. When you hold onto old negative experiences, it is never a good idea. We can't be positive one hundred percent of the time, yet focusing on the positive is something we can always choose to do. It's the best side road to take. Will positive thinking or experiences ensure future negative experiences won't occur? No, but having fear, emotion, or any mental thought about negative aspects will alter our course. So stay positive, focus on the goal, and follow through with behavior that will get you to your dreams and goals. Having a mentor or a coach is always a good idea when you get stuck. Letting someone peek into your self and space and give you an objective opinion opens up new doors and ideas within your self and space. www.i-deal-lifestyle.com |
Here, you will find an array of blog articles about living an ideal lifestyle and how to improve corporate business strategies.Marla is known as the Declutter Your Strategy™ expert. Marla earned her BA in Psychology and a Master's in Social Work. Stone is the founder of |